Tecra A50-C By Toshiba: Ideal Laptop For Businesses

Tecra A50-C By Toshiba: Ideal Laptop For Businesses

The Toshiba Tecra A50-C is the laptop you don’t have to worry about. Throw it into your suitcase. Drink your lidless latte over it. Knock it off your desk. The Toshiba Tecra A50-C is a fit for on the go businesspersons who need a solid laptop with an Ethernet jack, optical drive and VGA port. The Tecra A50-C definitely thinks of itself as an all work, no play, grunt of a laptop.

Tecra A50-C

The problem is it doesn’t always live up to its own expectations. Yes, it’s got every port under the sun, but a lackluster screen, poorly executed keyboard, and multi-touch so slow you can drink your entire lidless latte before it scrolls keeps it from realizing its full potential.

Its matte dark outside is scored with fine parallel lines that are reminiscent of wood grain. Toshiba calls the outside “graphite dark” yet dim walnut or black may be an all the more fitting portrayal. Its configuration coordinates an official’s work area superior to anything any of its shimmering rivals.

As opposed to the aluminum space age look you see on so a number of its rivals’ tablets, Toshiba has selected a more sensible impression with its Tecra A50-C. The Toshiba Tecra A50-C keeps up its parity notwithstanding when open. Moving laps and unstable work areas don’t irritate it: tilt its screen the distance back and its solid pivots will keep any floundering or tipping. The brilliant adjust and pivot quality were some of our most loved parts of this portable PC.

The touch-pad could utilize more surface zone, its little size makes looking over monotonous. Then again, on the grounds that the touchpad involves so minimal land, you won’t need to stress over “palming” it while writing. Its size aside, the touch-pad is responsive with exceptionally clicky catches that give extraordinary input.

The 1,366 x 768 determination screen of my survey unit is disappointing, without a doubt. The hues are level and its backdrop illumination puts out insignificant shine. Thumbnails seem grainy and out of core interest. Content does not pop. Review edges are restricted and foundation glare totally washes out the screen.

Don’t try and attempt to work on a Toshiba Tecra A50-C outside on a sunny day appreciate the climate in light of the fact that you won’t see enough of the screen to complete any work. Furthermore, Windows 10 clients who adore its touchscreen usefulness are up the creek without a paddle here. Squeezing the A50-C’s matte screen will just deliver thumbprint. With Tecra A50-C, Toshiba’s AeroMobile Wireless SSD can be streamed or connected.


The Toshiba Tecra A50-C can deal with most physical difficulties. Surely that is a solid offering point. Be that as it may, numerous clients needn’t bother with an intense portable PC. They simply require one that works.