How Business Owners Can Capitalise On The Smartphone Situation

How Business Owners Can Capitalise On The Smartphone Situation

Most business owners understand that using technology could help their company to grow and expand. It could also help them to achieve higher sales levels across the board. Almost everyone has a smartphone in their pocket these days, and so it doesn’t make sense to overlook that device. People who are yet to embark on mobile marketing strategies should take some advice from this article. We’re going to show you the best ways of attracting more customers and pushing your brand to the right audience.


Release a mobile app for your business

Regardless of whether you sell products or services, releasing a mobile app could benefit your brand. There are thousands of different app development firms you could contact to speed the process. Just make sure the product they create showcases your business effectively to the customer. Retailers should list their stock and provide secure payment options. Service providers should publish as much information as possible about their packages. You can even send push notifications from an app, and that means you can grab the attention of your clients at a moment’s notice.

Market your company using social networks

Everyone who uses a smartphone will have social media apps installed. Indeed, research suggests that over 85% of all iPhone users have a Facebook account. So, it doesn’t make sense to overlook those platforms when creating your promotional strategy. Open accounts with all the top sites and publish updates every day. The people who “like” your business pages will see notifications flash on their screens whenever you release a new status. With a bit of luck, that should help consumers to become more familiar with your brand. It should also encourage them to spend money.

Build a text message mailing list

Asking your customers to provide their mobile phone number when making purchases is a wise move. You can add it to your database and use the details for marketing purposes. The last thing you want to do is send too many promotional texts because people will unsubscribe. However, there’s nothing wrong will alerting people to lucrative new deals and offers. In most instances, you shouldn’t send more than one message each week for the best results. Also, it’s worth working out the best times to contact your customers to increase sales. Experts say that sending promotional texts on Friday afternoons is usually effective.

Those three ideas should help your company to make extra money from people who own smartphones. They should also contribute towards boosting brand recognition and building your profile. You don’t have to follow the advice on this page, but it has worked well for many other businesses in the past. However, sometimes thinking outside of the box is the best course of action. So, keep a close eye on your competitors and see if they use any alternative techniques. While you don’t want to copy their moves, you can sometimes tailor them to suit your firm.

Whatever happens this year, company bosses who don’t make good use of the smartphone situation will fall behind.