Amazing Technology You Might Find In Cars Of The Future

Amazing Technology You Might Find In Cars Of The Future

Have you noticed how car technology evolves so fast these days? Only a few years ago, only a few lower-spec cars had air conditioning in them as standard. Nowadays, climate control is available in pretty much all cars produced in 2014!

Driverless cars

Of course, air conditioning and climate control aren’t super exciting things to talk about in the car world. But did you know that there are loads of cool things we are likely to see in future models produced by car makers?

Here are some examples of the amazing technology that you are likely to find in the cars of tomorrow. I don’t claim to be a psychic, but I think it will only be a matter of time before we see such widespread use of some of the following technology:

Talking cars

I bet you are thinking of the movie “The Love Bug.” Am I right? OK, what I had in mind wasn’t so much cars that somehow talked to their owners. Rather, I was referring to cars that talk to each other!

Before you tell me that I’ve gone nuts, let me explain. Cars of the future could “talk” to each other, passing on information about hazards, traffic jams and so forth.

That means cars can help you plot alternative routes if your journey is going to get affected by delays. For now, we have to rely on traffic information systems to keep us up-to-date. The only problem with today’s systems is that they aren’t always up-to-date!

Driverless cars

Autonomous car technology is here today. Soon, we will all be able to enjoy journeys to home, work or the shopping mall without having to control our vehicles!

Companies such as Volvo Cars and even Google have invested a lot of time and money into developing driverless cars. It’s only a matter of time before we see them used in public on a mainstream basis.

Energy-generating body panels

Think about it. The cars we drive have a lot of body panels. One of the biggest body panels in all cars is the roof.

To further develop electric car technology, car makers could develop body panels that soak up energy from the sun.

Cars of the future could then convert that energy into a useable form. It will save drivers from having to charge their cars up so often, and reduces “range anxiety” that so many electric car owners have.

Des from the Thames Motor Group thinks that it won’t be long before car dealers start selling such state of the art cars.

Built-in mobile broadband Wi-Fi hotspots

Few cars on the road today have factory-fitted mobile broadband systems. At the moment, car occupants have to share a tethered 3G or 4G mobile connection to the Internet.

I believe that tomorrow’s cars will come with mobile broadband connectivity as standard. It makes sense, given the switched-on digital age that we live in.

What tech features do you think tomorrow’s cars will have? Let us know in the comments section below!